I really feel sorry for animals that are outside. This was brought to my attention by my new blog friend, Maggie, at http://maggiesraggedyinn.blogspot.com/2010/02/homeless-cats.html. Her post really made me think about this and made me feel so bad. Pets that are ignored or left outside by their owners is just so sad. I don't personally know of any or see any in my neighborhood, but I know there are plenty out there. Please bring them inside people! My own little Fergie, the 5 pound toy poodle, won't even step out the door when the weather is like this. I lay newspaper by the front door for him. But so far today, and it's 11:20 am, he hasn't done a thing since he got up this morning. I keep looking and sniffing around the house but I'm not finding any messes. He's sleepinig in between his pillows on his little bed right now.
Yes, he has a four poster bed! He's the little apricot colored ball laying in there.
OK, so now what about American Idol last night. I wish it were on for two hours. They just don't have time to show everyone. Here are my picks from last night: Andrew Garcia. He was the very first one. A father that wants a better life for his little boy; Casey James. Real cute. He took his shirt off at the original try out, and he plays the guitar.; And Crystal Bowersox. She had her son's name tatooed on her neck right before the show and she sounds like Carol King. We'll see how good my predictions are. Don't forget to watch tonight.
An update on Mother Millie (MIL). She has a doctor's appointment today and my sister in law is taking her. The doctor is recommending that she discontinue the chemo treatments and let hospice now come in to keep her comfortable. This is very sad to come to grips with, but Millie has accepted this fact. They are going to increase the strength of her Oxycodone to alleviate more of the pain that this pancreatic cancer is forcing upon her. It's just come to the inevitable point of nothing more can be done except trying to keep her comfortable. Why her? This cancer question still really puzzles me.
Here's my newest knit hat I just finished. I don't think I'm going to sell it or give it away. It is so warm and comfortable. I need it for myself right now. It's knit from a a tweed washable wool and the buttons I used are all from my grandmother's button collection kept in an old tin that I inherited.
I think I'll make some hand warmers to match.
Now I've come up with this new idea to make cute little pillows and sachets. I made this one for Valentine's day for myself.