Landen was very interested in Riley and wanted to hold her. He was so proud of the fact that she was his little girl cousin. He was very gentle with her. He gave her the sweetest little kiss.
Aren't they cute?
On Sunday, we had a very nice brunch at the Country Club, then several of Brandon and Dee's friends came over to visit to see Riley and to say good-bye to Brandon. We had Dairy Queen ice cream birthday cake for my Bob. (Chocolate Crunch - our favorite) His birthday is Wednesday, but since Sunday was Brandon's last full day home, I had cake on Sunday. (I can't believe I forgot to get a picture of Bob and cake - sorry)

Today was a sad, rough day. Brandon packed up his car and Layla the dog and got ready for his long trip across country. He is supposed to view an apartment in Spokane on Thursday. I'm worried that he won't get enough rest along the way. It's a 35 hour drive from here to there and he's doing it alone. Dee will be here for at least 5 more weeks, then she, Riley and Dee's mother will fly out. Bob will load up the U-haul from this end and drive out with the furniture. I'll go with him if no one else is. We'll figure that out as time gets closer. So I have Dee and Riley with me for about five more weeks, but I had a terrible time saying good-bye to Brandon today. I'm so worried about him driving that far by himself (even though he's a Survival Trainer for the Air Force). He's still my baby boy and I worry. Besides that, I won't see him now for several months. Hopefully Thanksgiving.
Here's Layla saying good-bye to the Lake. This has been her home for about the past four or five months. We'll miss her, but I won't miss her shedding.
Brandon saying good-bye to Dee and his new baby daughter. This scene got my tears started and I haven't quit yet. He left about 5-1/2 hours ago. My eyes are just burning from all the crying. It was a really hard day for Dee. She has a lot of help and support here, but we don't make up for Brandon not being with her. She's been a real trooper, though, going through this big life change with Brandon going into the Air Force and away at basic training in San Antonio and now in Spokane while she is here with her in-laws and pregnant. And now being here alone with her new baby while he gets living arrangements made and she lets Riley get a month or so older.

Melissa, other DIL, gets back home early in the morning, about 2 a.m. I'll be glad when she's home safe. Austin will be back home on June 18.
Life keeps moving fast! I made a vow to myself to stop saying this, but here goes anyway: I'm tired!