As we honor Memorial Day, this whole weekend seems to
signify several things. First and foremost, we remember those that
signify several things. First and foremost, we remember those that
have given their lives for our country and we will never forget them.
We honor them forever for our freedom and liberty. We also remember
family and friends that have gone before us. People that have individually been a part of us and made us who we are.
Every year, my mother and I go to the cemetary where my grandparents and aunt are buried. This would be my mother's parents and sister. We plant flowers at their gravesite, then we go to lunch. It's a pretty drive out in the country and it is such a bonding experience with my much loved and missed family that have passed and also with my mother. Just seeing their names on the head stones immediately brings back wonderful memories. And the annual experience of doing this with my mother will holds it's own special memories in the future.
Another part of our weekend was the family cook out at my house yesterday. It was a beautiful day, even though we had a quick rain shower in the middle of it. Bob and I enjoyed my parents, daughters-in-law, grandsons, and brother of DIL Melissa. My sons', Austin and Brandon, are in the military and stationed in San Antonio and Spokane respectively right now, and were unable to be home with us. I thought of them all day as we all missed them, but remember why they are not here and how proud we are of them.
The meaning and memories I have for this Memorial Day are good ones. I would wish this to be so for everyone.