just starting to get it cleaned up and the plants are just coming in. I got my homemade deer repellent all mixed up to spray on my flox. It consists of 1 egg mixed with 2 squirts of dish soap, poured into a plastic spray bottle, filled with water, shake it up, set out in the sun so it smells real bad. It's worked for two summers now, and I've tried everything. Most all my plants are deer resistant, but for those that are not I spray after every watering or rain.
Here is my after picture taken yesterday. I paint all the furniture white. The perennials in front of and the annuals underneath the deck are all pink and purple. When the pink flox bloom it is so pretty. I'm no master gardener, but I enjoy being outside and "playing" in my little gardens.
This is my view when I'm sitting on my swing at 5:00 with my glass of wine.
As I was getting some tools out of my shed I heard some commotion
when I looked up I saw this mother robin sitting on a nest on top of my hoe. Just yesterday I heard some little "cheap cheaps" coming from the nest. I'm trying not to bother them and I just keep watching.