My babies - Aren't they cute? Today was their monthly grooming day. They don't like it. They shake and shiver once we get about halfway to the groomers because they know where they're going. How do they know? It's so amazing the sixth sense (dog sense) they have. They can also tell things, like, if we're going to be going out of town. Do they really understand that suitcases coming out of the closet means they go to the doggie sitter? And they know when I'm sick. They'll cuddle up next to me and lick my face in a way that it seems like they're trying to make me better. Anyway, we're trying a new haircut style. They've always had the traditional poodle cut, but I saw a poodle last month that had a version of a Bichon cut. I had a Bichon that I just loved and had to put him down 2 years ago and still miss him. So I want to try this on them. It'll take a few more months to get the face fuller. I think Fergie (my little boy on the right) may look cute with the new cut, but Ellie Mae is 10 years old and her hair is thinning a little and her eyes get realy "ucky" so this longer hair around the face may not work. We'll see what happens. Notice their little 4th of July scarves.
My normal schedule is grocery shopping and errand running on Wednesday and office work on Thursday, but I had to switch it up a little this week. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't like to leave the house if I don't have to. Since the dogs were getting groomed today, I decided to get groceries and run errands in between dropping off the babies and picking them back up. And since 4th of July is Saturday and we have people over to watch fireworks, I needed the extra day to get together my list of things I needed for Saturday. But I've already started a new list of things I forgot or just thought of, so I'll have to go back out tomorrow. I hate when that happens. I'm finding it very difficult, though, to get in the outside party celebration mood because it's still cool and rainy. Everyone's mood is starting to become affected by the gloom. WE NEED SUNSHINE! They are saying Saturday is supposed to be the start of nice weather, but I'm not quite trusting them yet. Everything is so wet. The flowers in pots are getting wayyy too much water and not enough sun. They don't look as good as they should. The perennials look pretty good, but I have to keep spraying my homemade stinky deer away mixture because the rain keeps washing it off. I would normally decorate outside a little more, too, for the holiday, but I can't put too much out there. Oh well. People will still show up to watch the fireworks that are put off over the lake, and we'll have food and drinks, and everyone will still have fun. Just praying for no rain from about 4:00 pm until 10:30 pm. and I'll be happy.