No time for lazy weekends around here. Although I wouldn't mind one once in a while! It just seems for quite a while now, life has been busy. Not just the weekends, either. There seems to be something going on or something that needs done all the time. I know that's a good thing, and it's all good stuff. I just like to be lazy or have more "free" time. But that's OK. I need to slap myself if I sound like I'm complaining. I'm very fortunate to have a good life and a great family.
Friday night we were able to have our fire and smores down by the lake. The rain held off until late that night. Logan and Landen also had fun watching the bats fly out of their "bat cave" located in the cap of our chimney. They leave every night at dusk. If you happen to get up early enough in the morning by dawn you can watch them all fly back in. They've lived in our chimney at least as long as we've lived in this house, which is 5-1/2 years now. We don't mind them at all. They keep the bug population down!
On Saturday, Austin was up early to meet my dad in town. My dad started the local Soap Box Derby back up in our little hometown last year. He had participated in this event when he was a little boy and then it died out for about the past 60 years. Saturday was the soap box car inspection and picture day. My son is the appointed Soap Box Derby photographer. He was a photographer for the Air Force for four years before becoming a recruiter and he is very good. He won several national all military photo awards. He really misses it and is considering going back into this field for the Air Force when his recruiting tour is finished.
This is last year's picture. It has grown this year. The big race day is June 19, I think.
Saturday also was the wedding day for my cousin, Lindsay. We got dressed and out the door by noon to pick up my mother. (I just really don't like getting dressed up any more, but I did, of course). Dad was busy with Soap Box Derby, so he came later to the reception. Since it was an adult only wedding, Austin and Melissa didn't bother looking for a babysitter. Austin was busy with pictures and Melissa is so pregnant that it just felt like too much trouble. The bride and the wedding was beautiful. It was a large wedding and it's always fun when all the relatives get to see each other and visit.
Aren't they adorable?!
After the wedding, my Harrisburg cousins spent the night at our house, which I always enjoy. They left by noon on Sunday. I was so tired the rest of the day. I don't know why, really. Nothing was stressful or a lot of work over the weekend and all we did was sit all day at the wedding. As my cousin, Jane, said - sometimes just sitting all day and doing nothing makes you tired. And I think I was still getting over the little sinus bug that I seemed to be fighting for the last couple of weeks.
Anyway, it was a good weekend, I'm feeling good, and the new week has begun. It also looks to be packed full of activities. My favorite activity still remains being at home, taking care of house and yard, knitting, writing, sewing and reading. I just don't have enough free hours to do as much of that as I would like.