My father is the best father a daughter could ask for. If you were able to choose your own father, I would still choose him. He even loves my Ellie Mae (black toy poodle) as his own.

My oldest son, Austin, never planned on being a father at soon as he was, but he certainly learned how to be a good father from the best, his own father. It is the strangest thing to watch your own children become parents.

My youngest son, Brandon, is a brand new father, but I can already tell that he absolutely loves the role of father to his beautiful little girl, Riley.
I believe the best thing we can do for our grandchildren is to be good parents and role models to their parents. It's not always been an easy thing to do, but we always try our best.

My youngest son, Brandon, is a brand new father, but I can already tell that he absolutely loves the role of father to his beautiful little girl, Riley.

And to have Father's Day fall on the First Day of Summer made it a very "feel good" day.
Hope it was the same for you.