Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day Care - Expensive, Grandchildren - Priceless

This is a busy month for me since I'm temporarily keeping my grandsons after pre-school three days a week. My DIL has given her two week notice at her job. Her last day is October 7, which is a little longer than two weeks because she is staying on to train her replacement. After that date she will be staying home with the boys. There are several reasons for this. I am very happy about this decision.
First off, the day care the boys attended all summer and after pre-school just lost its state funding. To put them into a day care that doesn't receive funding would cost them $240/week. I'm not saying that the price isn't worth taking care of your beloved children, but then it comes down to working just to pay the day care.
My son has also been asking her to quit her job. He is an Air Force recruiter in a town that's a little over an hour from their home. They considered moving, but hate to give up their home as it belonged to my grandparents for over 50 years. Austin felt that if things were more organized and calmer at home, he wouldn't mind the long hours and the drive so much. Now that the decision has been made he already seems much more relaxed.
Melissa's (DIL's) brother has also just come to live with them in their guest house. He is 29 years old but has some physical disabilities and Melissa has become his caretaker. He doesn't require a lot of care, but he doesn't drive, so she has to take him to doctor appointments, physical therapy, and to New York where he's from in order to visit his original doctor once a month.
They have a lot going on and with two little boys, the more chaos they can cut back on, the better.
So time will tell and I hope that things go well for them. In the meantime, I pick the boys up three days a week from their pre-school at 11:30 and they stay with me until about 5:30. They are sweet little boys and love being with their Bobby and Nina. And we love having them here, but they are typical little boys and very active and loud and want to be entertained. They know with me I don't constantly entertain. Bobby (Grandpa), on the other hand, plays with them and entertains them as much as he can in between working. So they think this is normal and what should happen all day while they're here.
Bobby and I are a pretty good Grandma and Grandpa team. Bobby plays, wrestles and takes them into the woods to build forts. I give the snacks, hugs, kisses, bake cookies so they can lick the bowl, and make popcorn and hot chocolate for movie rest time.
I can remember how much I loved going to Grandma and Grandpa's house when I was a little girl and now understand the pure love bond that Grandmas and Grandpas have with their grandchildren.


Theresa said...

I hope this all works out! I know your Son was wearing out from all the driving and doing stuff at home. Sounds like you are having a good time with the little ones:) Love to all and have a blessed day!

Laura said...

What wonderful memories you are creating. I miss my two little boys-
You are helping out where/when needed.


Lillian Robinson said...

I know you are treasuring this time. It can be tiring to keep up with them, but 3 days a week isn't bad. It will pass too quickly...

DJan said...

Your story just reminded me of my own grandma, and visits to her house. She lived in a big old house in Bakersfield, with a grape arbor just brimming with green seedless grapes. I would make myself sick eating them. And she made me a special oatmeal every morning with cinnamon and bananas. I haven't thought of all that in a long time. Thanks for the story, and I'm glad the boys will have their mother with them during their formative years.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Your precious grandsons will always remember the happy times they had at your house. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Sweet post! Hope everything works out well for your DIL. Sounds like you are enjoying grandparenting as much as I am. Linda

Allen said...

I have been told that its nice to see them and it nice to see them go home. Grandparents can spoil them to no end. hehe

Housewife Savant said...

I love this.
I want to ROCK the grandma role too. Cuz I fondly remember my WONDERFUL Gram.

MY mom smoked like a chimney and didn't hardly notice when my kids were around.
She loved 'em, but she was nothing sweet and grandma-ish at all.

I hope your time with the boys is full of memory-making, and that things smooth out at home for your son.


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