Hi! I'm so glad you found your way to my blog, but guess what? I've moved to a different website. My new "home" is very similar to this one, but the focus is more on Women Over 50. I've realized that there is a large number of us and it's such an exciting time of our lives, but can also present many new issues. My new "home" offers Beauty tips for Women Over 50, and Happy Home tips to offer little ideas to make sure your home and lifestyle is happy and the best it can be. I also send out Happy Thoughts several mornings a week, and write at least one new article a week.
We've spent the first half of our life nurturing and taking care of others, for the most part. Now most of us have empty nests, hopefully a little more "me" time, and I think our life now should be about nurturing and taking care of us!
There is an art to making your life the best it can be. I want to share my ideas and thoughts about this with you!
I hope you get a chance to visit me at my new home. The address is: http://over50andhappy.com Please stop over and look around.
See you there!