Last Thursday was my husband's 56th birthday. He wanted to spend the weekend with our grandsons, so we picked the boys up on Friday afternoon, took them to our local Community Days festival, and we took them back home on Saturday. The busy weekend ended with a cookout prepared by our son, Austin, and DIL Melissa. They then had a small carrot cake for "Grandpa Bobby" and a small chocolate cake for Logan and Landen. Landen, also known as Grandpa Bobby's shadow, and I helped Bobby blow out his candle.
Austin took the picture. He was a photographer for the Air Force for four years before his current position as a recruiter. I wish he could take all my pictures. He's a very talented artist and photographer. We came back home happy and tired.
The birthday weekend started out on Thursday morning It was a beautiful sunny morning and I served my hubby breakfast out on the deck.
We had a nice, quiet, calm day ending with my parents taking us out to dinner.
The calm and quiet ended Friday afternoon and the fun began. We met the kids halfway and exchanged Logan and Landen. They were so excited because we were going straight to the local Community Days fair. It was a very warm evening and the fair was very crowded. They rode the little train, 

His total time inside the maze - 3 minutes. The excitement on his face afterwards was worth it (I think).
Sorry these pictures are so blurry and small. I was so mad I forgot my camera and these came off the internet.
It was really a lot of fun to experience the local fair with two young boys again. It was fun years ago with our sons, but it's exciting with grandsons. I think with your own children you just took the time spent with them for granted. With grandchildren, you feel lucky and blessed to be with them.
After a good night's sleep by all, we had a morning of pancakes and watching the boys play in the lake. We cleaned up, I gathered up the completed four curtain panels for Leanna's nursery, gave Landen his Dramamine, and we headed back to Logan and Landen's house.
As dinner was being prepared, Bob helped me put up the curtain rod and hang the curtains in Leanna's room. I have been working on these flannel lined curtains for a few weeks now. Melissa and I weren't able to find the right color and size as store bought, so we bought fabric that was perfect for the nursery theme and I got the sewing machine a hummin'. Thank goodness, they fit perfect and ended up looking better than we could have bought. Now this way they'll also be warm and insulated when winter comes.
Here's the crib set that we were matching.
We're still not quite done with the room. A matching lamp, mobile and hamper have been ordered. I have pictures for the walls and a canopy that I'm going to make. We also have a small chandelier picked out that we want to get. It's coming along and looking cute. I just hope baby Leanna can hold off coming into this world until we get back from Spokane a week from Wednesday. I don't know, though. At her appointment today, the doctor gives her about a week. So I guess it's all up to Leanna.